
PMTi 2024 Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing of Titanium
The 7th edition of the International Conference on Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing of Titanium, PMTi2024, will gather, for the first time in Spain, researchers and professionals on the processing, design and application of titanium and its alloys fabricated by powder metallurgy and additive manufacturing technologies.
The conference will take place in person in Madrid, after a successful series of previous conferences held in Australia, New Zealand, Germany, China, the United States and Canada.
Topics covered in the conference are the following:
- Powder production and characterization
- Metal Injection Molding (MIM)
- Consolidation of PM alloys
- Sinter-based Additive Manufacturing
- Powder-bed and powder-deposition Additive Manufacturing
- Alloy design in PM and AM
- Titanium Aluminides and Ti Metal Matrix Composites
- Properties and characterization
- Part and process qualification
- Applications
- Recycling and sustainability